Revision Essay Titles

For your revision you should plan an essay based around each of the following questions.

Remember that you can use quotes - or even entire paragraphs - in multiple questions, so be wise when you prepare. Also, bear in mind that you will have an extract on the day but for revision purposes you're best to plan without one and then incorporate it where you see fit.

For each essay, try to plan in the following way:

Write your opening paragraph

Know what each of your 2 or 3 paragraphs will be about

Revise the quotes and key moments that you’ll use in them

Ten Key Questions:

  1. How is Macbeth presented as a powerful man?

  2. How is Lady Macbeth presented as a powerful woman?

  3. How is ambition presented in this play?

  4. How is the supernatural presented in this play?

  5. How is guilt presented in this play?

  6. In Macbeth, how does Shakespeare present the idea that things are not what they seem?

  7. What role do the witches play in Macbeth?

  8. How does Shakespeare explore betrayal in this play?

  9. How does Shakespeare present the natural order in this play?

  10. How does Shakespeare present ideas of good and evil in this play?

An example plan:

Essay question: How is Lady Macbeth presented as a powerful woman?

Opening paragraph:

Right from her first moment on-stage Lady Macbeth dominates the stage - she insults her husband, calls on spirits, and then suggests, plans and ensures the success of the murder. In fact, throughout almost the entire play she dominates those around her. In this respect, she is presented as being the most powerful force on-stage. By the end, however, she discovers that the only person she cannot dominate is herself and her own sense of guilt and eventually she (probably) kills herself. Taken as a whole, she has to be seen as a powerful woman, though Shakespeare invests so little time in the latter part of her character arc that it's impossible not to feel a little like she is quite underdeveloped.

Paragraph 1: LM as powerful:
Come you spirits / My battlements / Look like th’ innocent flower / but be the serpent under it
Also, was she a witch? & planning the murder & talking Macbeth around in A1 S7

Paragraph 2: LM as queen
Noughts had... etc. / shame itself / Go at once!
Lack of real motive for wanting to be queen & Macbeth not explaining death of Banquo

Paragraph 3: LM's death
Out! out damn spot!
Was it suicide - sudden change of heart; her being asleep while feeling guilty; realising that they'd lost and not wanting to fall into enemy hands
Was she killed by Seyton - some audience members would have wondered

Paragraph 4: Powerful women in Jacobean times
Mention of Elizabeth and Bloody Mary and that they both broke the traditional mould of passive women

Note: there were LOADS of different ways I could have approached this essay and this is only one of them. You should look around and find an answer that you're confident with as this will make it much easier to learn and plan for.